Setup Study in Turkey

If you are an entrepreneur or investor and are planning to implement a small or medium-sized project in Turkey, it is necessary to carry out a feasibility study for this project before starting its implementation. The feasibility study is of paramount importance and can be described as a complete future guide that guides the investor and informs him of the extent of his project's ability to succeed or fail before he spends any money directly. Through the feasibility study, the investor is acquainted with the market situation, the size of supply and demand, the competitors for the project to be started and the target customers, and thus the investor can determine whether this market needs the project or not, and also the investor can identify the technical elements related to the project such as location, space and necessary equipment And licenses, equipment, size and quality of labor and the costs of each item. Also, the investor can identify, through the project’s feasibility study, the financial elements of the project, which are the costs of establishment, operating costs, revenues and expected profits of the project and others. We at MMT have a working team that has a lot of experience about feasibility studies and how to prepare them efficiently, but we are not here to promote ourselves, but we are here to provide our consultations to you completely free of charge.